Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

Monday, December 28, 2009

Xander's First Christmas

Christmas has once again come and gone. This year was a special Christmas, however, since it was our first with our baby boy. Stacy and I are lucky that both sets of family live nearby, and splitting the holiday between them is fairly easy. We spent Christmas eve with Stacy's family at the Vogel house. Stacy's parents, her Aunt Connie, her cousins Kerri and Mick, and Xander's godmother Vanessa were all in attendance. Obviously, Xander was the hit of the holiday, and everyone took turns passing him around. After everyone got their Xander fix, we opened presents around the fireplace. Everyone made off pretty nicely, with Xander getting a boatload of toys and clothes. After presents, we sat down for a delicious Christmas Eve prime rib dinner. After visiting, we took Xander home and put him to bed and prepared for Santa Claus's visit.

Once everything was ready for Santa, Stacy and I exchanged our presents in front of the Christmas tree and went to bed in our Christmas pjs.

On Christmas morning, Xander woke up around 7:30 and had his breakfast and played under the upstairs tree (yes, we have two trees) while Mom and Dad got ready for the day. Then, we headed downstairs to see what Santa had brought. When Xander came down the stairs, he saw a big red wagon waiting for him from Santa Claus, though he was much more interested in the big silver bow attached to it. His stocking was filled with a book, movie, and Garfield plush toy, and Mom and Dad bought him a big piggy bank to save his pennies. Afterward, Stacy's parents and Aunt Connie came over for breakfast, and then it was off to the Lewis house for Christmas Day.

At my parent's house waiting were Aunt Bette, Cousin Robbie, Cousin Tim and Sara, and Uncle Bryan. Uncle Jesse, I mean Jason, joined us a little later. Christmas day was filled with lots of attention for Xander, and lots of video games for the older kids. Robbie brought us Family Feud and The Price is Right for the Wii, and I brought over Beatles Rock Band. Most of the afternoon was taken up by these games and they were a lot of fun. Next we opened presents, and again Xander got the lot with more toys, clothes, and a new Steiff panda bear. We had a full turkey dinner with all the fixings for dinner, and then Bryan had to leave for Texas with his girlfriend. After dinner, the cousins all headed out for their Christmas movie, Sherlock Holmes. Stacy slept through most of it, and afterwards, we headed home.

While non-stop and busy, we had an amazing first Christmas with Xander and made memories that he may not ever recall, but I know Stacy and I will never forget. We hope that everyone else had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did. We look forward to many more Christmas's to come with our baby boy and our families. Merry Christmas!

As always, to see all the pictures from Christmas and many others, just follow the link on the right side of the web page.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pic of the week ... December 27, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bouncing Baby Boy

Pic of the week ... December 14, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Xander ... 6 Months Old

Xander had his six month doctor's visit today. He is now 18 pounds, 10 ounces. He is 28 inches long. He also has, and I quote the doctor, "a big head." 18 inches around. Everything else is ship shape with the baby, and aside from some tears after his shots, Xander was a wonderful patient.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Xander Meets Santa

With Thanksgiving coming to an end, Christmas is finally here. And what better way to kick off Christmas than to take Xander to see Santa for the very first time. We dressed him up in his cute little Christmas sweater, and off the mall we went. We weren't quite sure what to expect this year. We figured Xander was a little too young to give us the screaming picture we have heard so much about. Besides, Xander loves everyone he comes across, why should Santa be any different? We were half right. Xander didn't scream or cry, but we couldn't get a smile out of him either. But overall, I suspect we had a successful first visit to Mr. Claus.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pic of the week ... November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pic of the week ... November 12, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Visit to Uncle Buck's

Years ago, when my parents used to go away, Aunt Mary would come down to stay with us. We all called her Uncle Buck on these occasions. This weekend, we decided to take Xander up to see Uncle Buck.

Auntie M hadn't seen Xander since the baptism and won't be coming down again until Christmas, so we decided to be nice and take the baby to her. We arrived on Friday night to pizza and Jet's bread. Ah, Jet's bread. A reason in itself to visit. Cousin Tim and his fiance, Sara, also came over with their bulldog Walter. Xander's love of dogs continued.

On Saturday, Uncle Buck made us waffles for breakfast (ones that did not need a shovel to flip over). After breakfast, we took a trip to Frankenmuth, MI, and the largest Christmas store in the world, Bronner's. It was Christmas as far as the eye could see, and it was glorious. Xander was wide awake the whole time, and was just enthralled looking at all the lights, people, and colors.

Saturday evening was low key, just staying at Auntie M's. Tim and Sara brought us over more Jet's bread for dinner and we went to bed early.

Last time my mother went up to Michigan to visit, she came home with a Michigan State University outfit for Xander, so we figured that while we were there, we should take Xander to MSU and take a picture or two. So Xander got all dressed up in his green and white and went on his first official college visit.

We had a great visit with Uncle Buck, Tim, Sara and Walter. We can't wait for you guys all to come visit him again soon!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Peek-a-boo Xander!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Xander's First Halloween

Halloween comes as it always does, and this year Xander really wanted to be like Daddy and go as a Star Wars character. As much as we tried to convince him that it wasn't necessary, Xander won out and he chose to be an Ewok. And what a cute Ewok he was.

It started out as a pair of reindeer pajamas, and after a little bit of witchery from Grandma Vogel and Daddy, magically became a little woodland creature from the moon of Endor.

Halloween started off a little early this year for Xander, as the local mall held Trick-or-Treating on Thursday evening. So while Stacy was at camp with her students, Xander and I got dressed up and headed to mall to show him off. I went low key, and chose to wear my new Stormtrooper hoodie, but Xander went all out. We stopped by my office and then walked around to see all the other kiddies. While there were plenty of Clone Troopers and Darth Vaders, Xander was the only Ewok out there. After a lap around the mall, we went home. Xander asked me if he could wear the costume all night but I told him we must save it for Halloween.

This afternoon, Halloween began with a trip to see Xander's friend, Ethan (Stacy's friend Kelly's son). After posing for a couple pictures as an Ewok and monkey...

...they decided to play on the floor (see previous post here). After some fun, it was time for Trick-or-Treating.

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis (clown wig and all) came over, and Mommy and Daddy (and even Wrigley) got dressed in their costumes...

...and off we all went. It was a little cold outside, but Xander's Ewok costume kept him nice and toasty, which is more than I can say for Grandpa who was a bit chilly. Xander fell asleep along the way, so we headed home, took a couple more pictures, and laid him down for a nap.

After nap time, it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Vogel's for more costume time, and dinner of course. The Vogels live off a forest preserve, so we were able to take a picture if Xander in a very Endor like setting.

Overall, Xander had a great first Halloween. He told me himself while playing on the floor afterward. He had so much fun, that he wore himself out and could barely finish his night time bottle before passing out.

Happy Halloween, everyone, and don't forget, to see all the pictures please follow the links off to the side. See you next year!

Sing us a song, you're the Piano Man...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween-Eve

As a special, pre-Halloween treat, Xander is wearing his costume pjs on this Halloween Eve. We hope you enjoy them as much as he does.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Xander is 5 Months Old ... Happy Fall

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Xander Loves His Doggie

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pic of the week ... October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pic of the week ... October 15, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Xander Goes to the Pumpkin Patch

Fall is officially upon us, and Halloween is right around the corner. What does that mean? It means it is time to take Xander to the pumpkin patch.

Growing up, around this time of year, my parents would pack the three of us into the van and we would head to Goebert's to pick out our pumpkins for the year. I have these memories of walking to the back of the farm, and there were pumpkins as far as the eye can see. And from this endless sea of pumpkins, we would each pick one out to take home and carve up. Now that I have a son of my own, I thought we would start the tradition in our little family. So, Xander got dressed up in his brand new pumpkin sweatsuit, and off we went.

We called Grandma and Grandpa Lewis, they met us, and we made our way through the farm towards the sea of pumpkins. As you can check out in the pictures, there were plenty of photo opportunities along the way, and we took advantage of them all. Xander was all smiles the whole way as Grandma, Grandpa, Mom and Dad took turns carrying him though all the fall decorations, and stopping for more pictures until finally we arrived at the pumpkin yard, and Xander decided to take a load off.

On the way out, I picked out a large pumpkin to take home for my little man, along with everything else you can think of to get at the pumpkin patch: apple cider, taffy apples, cider donuts, fresh corn on the cob, and more.

Stacy and I, and hopefully Xander, had a really fun time at Goebert's. Hopefully, this will be the start of a yearly trip, and as Xander grows, so will his enjoyment of this new tradition.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Xander Tries Solid Foods

At his four month appointment, Dr. Patrick (and no, that's not what I call myself) gave us the go ahead to start introducing solid foods with cereal. So tonight, we tried. It didn't go as well as we'd hoped.

We think that perhaps after shots, and since it had been so long since we fed him, tonight wasn't the night to start this. Oh well, live and learn.

Check out the pictures for some really cute shots of dinner time as well.

Xander is 4 months old!

Our little man weighed in today at 16 pounds, 8 ounces. He is 25 inches long, with a circumference of the head at 17 inches. This puts him in the 75th percentile! Way to go Xander!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pic of the week ... September 27, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Xander learns the ins and outs of his saucer

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pic of the week ... September 18, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pics of the week ... September 13, 2009: Xander's Big Sports Day

Today was a big day in the Lewis family. Xander went to his first Cubs game. Unfortunately it did not go well. Xander was happy as can be to go to the ballpark. We put him in his little baby bjorn, and he loved it. He was wide eyed as we enterered the ballpark. He loved to watch all the Cubs fans walk through the corridors. He was entranced by the colors of the field when we walked outside. All signs pointed towards a good day. Then, the crowd began to cheer and Xander was scared to death. Xander isn't much of a crier, but he did not like the crowd. We tried to stay and get him used to it, but it was too much for him, and we left after 4 outs. Experiment failed.

Tonight, we add to our sports day with an evening on the couch with Daddy watching Da Bears take on the Green Bay Packers. We are hoping that the outcome is better, and that not only does he enjoy his time with Daddy, and we get a Bears win!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Xander's New Laugh

Auntie 'Lyssa comes to visit

Well, Xander might be the luckiest baby in the world. So many people have come to town just to see him. This time, it was Alyssa (his honorary aunt).

Ordinarily, when Alyssa comes to visit, it is a crazy, non-stop weekend of running around Chicago spending money left and right. This time around, we decided to take it easy. She arrived Friday evening just in time to say hello to the little man before it was off to bed for him.

On Saturday morning, it was gorgeous outside, so we went to spend the afternoon at the Lincoln Park zoo, Chicago's free zoo (see previous blog entry here). In order to keep expenses down, we packed lunches and ate on the lawn. Xander was entranced by the other boys on the lawn running around and playing. He watched them the entire time we ate.

Saturday night, we dropped the kiddo off at Grandma and Grandpa Vogel's and went out to a nice dinner (thanks to the gift card Mom gave us. Thanks Mom!) We went to a relatively new restaurant in South Barrington called Cooper's Hawk. We had been there once before, and had good food, but the dad complained about the service. Turns out, he was right. The waitress didn't even enter Alyssa's order to the kitchen, so once Stacy and I received our food, Alyssa sat there for 10 minutes waiting for her food. What was really nuts, was that no one even stopped by to see what the problem was. The manager walked by 6 times, and never thought to ask why she had no food. We kept hoping the whole time that someone would come by and acknowledge the mistake before the check was dropped, but it was not to be. We had to ask for a manager, explain the situation and how ridiculous it was, and he comped Alyssa's $28 dollar dinner and gave us 2 free wine tastings for 2 in an effort to remedy the situation. Thanks! After dinner, we went out to a chocolate cafe for some hot chocolate and treats. This place was out of this world.

We picked up Xander, and came home to watch The Hangover (well, it took us 2 nights).

On Sunday morning we had breakfast at Denny's, and yet again the service was wonderful. Stacy and Alyssa both ordered the wheat pancakes, and when breakfast arrived, they were served wheat bread. They told the server of the error, and 5 minutes later she brought one order of wheat pancakes, and asked if they both wanted them. We said yes, and once again waited 5 minutes. Needless to say, it was the last time we went out to eat this visit.

As for the rest of the day Sunday, I had something special in mind for Alyssa. Before she arrived, I knew we weren't going to be going out and spending all sorts of money to go to Cubs games or what not in the city, so I sent her a text the week before. "How do you feel about painting?" Thankfully, she replied "Sounds like fun!" So Sunday, Alyssa and I repainted the kitchen.

Sunday night, we had dinner and a game of Triominos at Stacy's parents house.

Monday we spent the morning at home, had hot dogs and fresh cut fries for lunch, and went to Woodfield for a couple hours. Then, it was off to my parents house for a Labor Day dinner. Hamburgers, hot dogs, cookies. You name it, they served it. Delicious.

Alyssa left Tuesday morning before we woke up, and Xander was sad to see her go. We had a great time, and hope to see her again very soon.

Remember, if you want to see a blog dedicated to you, its easy. Come to visit!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pic of the week ... September 6, 2009

Xander loves his new Red Panda plush so much, he gave it Eskimo kisses.

Xander and the Am-im-mals

This labor day weekend, the weather was perfect outside. Sunny and 75. Not wanting to be cooped up indoors, we decided to take Xander downtown once again and spend a few hours at the Lincoln Park Zoo. There's nothing like a beautiful day outside with your little man.

We left the car seat in the car and let Xander sit in the stroller facing forward so he could see everything there was to see. He was as happy as can be. He watch the animals walk around. He stared into the underwater sea lion tank in amazement. Its crazy to watch him and wonder what is going on in his mind when he sees these things.

Unfortunately, there are no Giant Pandas at any Chicago zoo, so Xander couldn't see his favorite animal. However, much to my surprise the Lincoln Park Zoo did have the lesser known cousin of the Giant Panda, the Red Panda. Both Xander and I were so excited. I had never seen a Red Panda before. We stopped by his cage early in the day and it was too sunny for him to come out, so we visited the rest of the zoo in hopes that the shade would come and he would come out and play. We waited. And we waited. And we waited some more. No sign of the little guy. Just when I was about to give up, out came the little guy to see what was going on. After about ten seconds, he darted back inside. He did this about five times before I was finally able to snap a photo of him that turned out. After finally seeing the Red Panda, Xander asked daddy if he could have a stuffed Red Panda to keep all his Giant Pandas company. How could I refuse the wishes of a three month old.

So, Daddy got to see a Red Panda for the first time, and Xander got a new toy. Overall, a very fun day at the zoo.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Xander Rolls Over and Figures Out How To Pick Up His Toy

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tummy Time

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Miss Megan Mize comes to town

Xander has become quite the popular little man. So many people come all the way out here just to see him, and this time it was from San Francisco. Megan came in for a short little three day weekend. After a very late arrival Friday night (remember bedtime here is now around 10:00), we decided to spend Saturday in Chicago at the Shedd Aquarium. It turned out to be a lot of fun. Much to our surprise, Xander was alert most of the trip, and watched the fish with wide eyes.

After the aquarium, we had to take Megan to an old Orlando favorite here in Chicago. We went to the Ale House for dinner. Back when we lived in Orlando, dinners at the Ale House were commonplace, so it was only fitting that we go. On Sunday, we were taking Megan to the biggest best place Chicago had to offer: Wrigley Field for a Cubs game. We took the train and bus down, and got there in time for the national anthem and about to watch some baseball. Then, the tarp came out and we were under a rain delay. After spending two hours waiting, watching the planes from the aiar and water show go by, we left assuming there would be no game. We got home, ordered some Chicago style pizza and watched some movies. Monday morning we went out for breakfast and said goodbye to Megan.

We had a great weekend, and Xander loved his new friend. We look forward to seeing you again sometime soon, Megan.

Remember everyone, if you want to be featured in your very own blog, its easy. Come to visit Xander.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pic of the week ... August 29, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Laughing Man

For those of you who can't be around us and see live and in person, Xander loves to laugh and wanted to share it with you all. Please excuse my singing.

Pic of the week ... August 17, 2009

Xander enjoys Chicago for the first time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

VACATION! Pic of the day ... August 4, 2009

The last of the pics of the day from vacation at the lake is Xander and Daddy on the lakefront. Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled "Pics of the week."

Monday, August 3, 2009

VACATION! Pic of the day ... August 3, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

VACATION! Pic of the day ... August 2, 2009

Xander in his boating hat and sandals!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

VACATION! Pic of the day ... August 1, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

VACATION! Pic of the day ... July 31, 2009

While on vacation up at the lake this week, I am going to try to post a pic of the day. Hope you all enjoy! (BTW, please note the ridiculously cute sandals)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Xander ... Two Months Old

Xander had his two month doctor's visit today. He weights 12 pounds 14 ounces, and is 23 inches long. He had his two month shots, and cried his poor little eyes out. Lucky for Xander, he gets a week long vacation up at the lake starting tomorrow to recover.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 26, 2009

May The Force be with you!

As always, all the new pictures can be found via the link to the right.

Alexander Gregory ... baptized July 25, 2009

On Saturday, Xander was baptized at All Saints Lutheran Church in Palatine. His Godparents are my brother Bryan, and our close family friend Vanessa. Xander was a sport throughout the whole ceremony, not making a peep during the service (which is more than I can say for some of the guests). When it came time to get dunked, he was quite the trooper, not crying once.

After the ceremony, the family headed back to Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' place for food, family, and fun. Thanks to all who could join us, and for those who couldn't, we hope to see you at the next festivity!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 19, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 16, 2009 (a little late)

Xander is ready for the second half of the season with high hopes of some better baseball! Go Cubs go!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 6, 2009

The Best Boat Ride In 30 Years

Late Sunday afternoon, the boat battery was finally charged up enough to use (yes, we had to plug the battery into the wall because it was dead all weekend). Around 4 pm or so, while Stacy was napping, we went for a little cruise. Little did we know this would be a boat ride unlike any ride we've ever taken. It started off with us going under the bridge near the Thirsty Whale and seeing a bunch of idiots hanging off the side of the bridge. We thought nothing of it, until as we pulled away we looked back and saw several people jump from the bridge into the lake below. My parents said that in thirty years going up to that lake, they'd never seen anyone jump in from a bridge.

As cool as that was to see, it fails in comparison to what we saw next. You have to watch the video to understand.

Over all the years we've gone up to the lake, we've seen thousands of deer, but NEVER have we seen one in the lake, let alone doing what can only be described as frolicking along the shore. It was amazing to see.

Xander's First Lake Trip

This holiday weekend, Xander went on his first trip to Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' lake house in Minocqua, and let me tell you he loved every second of it. Alright, so he slept through most of it, but he didn't hate it! He got to put on his awesome life jacket and ride on the boat. He got to sleep outdoors in his lake pack and play. And he got to keep his Mommy and Daddy up with his poor sleeping habits that seem to come out only up north. All and all though, we had a great weekend and look forward to going back at the end of the month.

Follow the link on the right to our online photos, and check out the July photos for some of the most adorable photos you will ever see (until next time I post photos, that is).

Happy 4th of July!

The Gruetzmachers Come To Visit

Last week, Brad, Kara, and Kasia came back to Chicago for a summer visit and a chance to see first hand, just how adorable Xander is. Yes, that was the only reason for their visit. Just trust me. From what i was told, Kasia was incredibly excited to meet Baby Xander. Brad told me that Kasia loves babies, and spent a lot of time leading up to their visit saying how she was going to see Baby Xander. When they first arrived, Kasia was a little shy towards Stacy and I, but not to Baby Xander. She went right for him.

After looking at her mom and dad hold him, Kasia wanted her turn. So Kara took her to the couch and supervised as Kasia held Xander on her lap. Let me tell you this ... there is nothing cuter than a three and a half year old girl holding on to a month old baby boy. Especially when that boy is my little man. Kasia was blind to the world while holding my son. She even played with him by holding the Tigger rattle / blanket she picked out for him. It was so cute.

That was the last we saw of Kasia for the week. The rest of the time, she wanted nothing more than to be with her grandma and grandpa. She even told her parents to leave on more than one occasion. But that was nice, because we got to spend some time with Brad and Kara. We had a great time visiting, lunching at the Ale House, and playing card games. Games where Brad absolutely did NOT skip his wife once, no matter how often she skipped him (sorry Kara).

If only Brad and Kara lived a little closer to us up here, we could see them more than once every year and a half.

Remember, if you want a post all about you, its easy ... just come and visit us!

さようなら (Sayonara) Captains Gerbracht

Let me start by saying I hope that was right, because I just copied and pasted from wikipedia.

Well, Stacy's sister and brother-in-law, Lexi and Rob, are leaving for Japan for two years and Stacy, Xander, and I wanted to say good-bye and good luck.

Just before leaving the country, Lexi and Rob drove in to town for a week long visit, to say good-bye, and of course meet their brand spanking new nephew. We had a great visit. Eating. Watching Rob set off fireworks in the in-laws backyard. Eating (we ate a lot at the Vogel's).

Now they are off to graduate school in Japan for the Marines. Good luck you two, and hopefully we can meet you somewhere in between for a visit while you are out there!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Xander ... 1 Month Old

Xander had his one month checkup this morning. He is up to 10 pounds, 2 ounces and measures 22 and 1/2 inches long. All other checks were positive, so we have a growing, healthy, happy baby boy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pic of the week ...June 28, 2009

This week there were several good pictures, so please follow the link on the right and check out all of June's photos.