Monday, November 9, 2009

A Visit to Uncle Buck's

Years ago, when my parents used to go away, Aunt Mary would come down to stay with us. We all called her Uncle Buck on these occasions. This weekend, we decided to take Xander up to see Uncle Buck.

Auntie M hadn't seen Xander since the baptism and won't be coming down again until Christmas, so we decided to be nice and take the baby to her. We arrived on Friday night to pizza and Jet's bread. Ah, Jet's bread. A reason in itself to visit. Cousin Tim and his fiance, Sara, also came over with their bulldog Walter. Xander's love of dogs continued.

On Saturday, Uncle Buck made us waffles for breakfast (ones that did not need a shovel to flip over). After breakfast, we took a trip to Frankenmuth, MI, and the largest Christmas store in the world, Bronner's. It was Christmas as far as the eye could see, and it was glorious. Xander was wide awake the whole time, and was just enthralled looking at all the lights, people, and colors.

Saturday evening was low key, just staying at Auntie M's. Tim and Sara brought us over more Jet's bread for dinner and we went to bed early.

Last time my mother went up to Michigan to visit, she came home with a Michigan State University outfit for Xander, so we figured that while we were there, we should take Xander to MSU and take a picture or two. So Xander got all dressed up in his green and white and went on his first official college visit.

We had a great visit with Uncle Buck, Tim, Sara and Walter. We can't wait for you guys all to come visit him again soon!

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