Monday, July 6, 2009

The Gruetzmachers Come To Visit

Last week, Brad, Kara, and Kasia came back to Chicago for a summer visit and a chance to see first hand, just how adorable Xander is. Yes, that was the only reason for their visit. Just trust me. From what i was told, Kasia was incredibly excited to meet Baby Xander. Brad told me that Kasia loves babies, and spent a lot of time leading up to their visit saying how she was going to see Baby Xander. When they first arrived, Kasia was a little shy towards Stacy and I, but not to Baby Xander. She went right for him.

After looking at her mom and dad hold him, Kasia wanted her turn. So Kara took her to the couch and supervised as Kasia held Xander on her lap. Let me tell you this ... there is nothing cuter than a three and a half year old girl holding on to a month old baby boy. Especially when that boy is my little man. Kasia was blind to the world while holding my son. She even played with him by holding the Tigger rattle / blanket she picked out for him. It was so cute.

That was the last we saw of Kasia for the week. The rest of the time, she wanted nothing more than to be with her grandma and grandpa. She even told her parents to leave on more than one occasion. But that was nice, because we got to spend some time with Brad and Kara. We had a great time visiting, lunching at the Ale House, and playing card games. Games where Brad absolutely did NOT skip his wife once, no matter how often she skipped him (sorry Kara).

If only Brad and Kara lived a little closer to us up here, we could see them more than once every year and a half.

Remember, if you want a post all about you, its easy ... just come and visit us!

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