Monday, July 6, 2009

The Best Boat Ride In 30 Years

Late Sunday afternoon, the boat battery was finally charged up enough to use (yes, we had to plug the battery into the wall because it was dead all weekend). Around 4 pm or so, while Stacy was napping, we went for a little cruise. Little did we know this would be a boat ride unlike any ride we've ever taken. It started off with us going under the bridge near the Thirsty Whale and seeing a bunch of idiots hanging off the side of the bridge. We thought nothing of it, until as we pulled away we looked back and saw several people jump from the bridge into the lake below. My parents said that in thirty years going up to that lake, they'd never seen anyone jump in from a bridge.

As cool as that was to see, it fails in comparison to what we saw next. You have to watch the video to understand.

Over all the years we've gone up to the lake, we've seen thousands of deer, but NEVER have we seen one in the lake, let alone doing what can only be described as frolicking along the shore. It was amazing to see.

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