Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pics of the week ... September 13, 2009: Xander's Big Sports Day

Today was a big day in the Lewis family. Xander went to his first Cubs game. Unfortunately it did not go well. Xander was happy as can be to go to the ballpark. We put him in his little baby bjorn, and he loved it. He was wide eyed as we enterered the ballpark. He loved to watch all the Cubs fans walk through the corridors. He was entranced by the colors of the field when we walked outside. All signs pointed towards a good day. Then, the crowd began to cheer and Xander was scared to death. Xander isn't much of a crier, but he did not like the crowd. We tried to stay and get him used to it, but it was too much for him, and we left after 4 outs. Experiment failed.

Tonight, we add to our sports day with an evening on the couch with Daddy watching Da Bears take on the Green Bay Packers. We are hoping that the outcome is better, and that not only does he enjoy his time with Daddy, and we get a Bears win!

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