Sunday, September 6, 2009

Xander and the Am-im-mals

This labor day weekend, the weather was perfect outside. Sunny and 75. Not wanting to be cooped up indoors, we decided to take Xander downtown once again and spend a few hours at the Lincoln Park Zoo. There's nothing like a beautiful day outside with your little man.

We left the car seat in the car and let Xander sit in the stroller facing forward so he could see everything there was to see. He was as happy as can be. He watch the animals walk around. He stared into the underwater sea lion tank in amazement. Its crazy to watch him and wonder what is going on in his mind when he sees these things.

Unfortunately, there are no Giant Pandas at any Chicago zoo, so Xander couldn't see his favorite animal. However, much to my surprise the Lincoln Park Zoo did have the lesser known cousin of the Giant Panda, the Red Panda. Both Xander and I were so excited. I had never seen a Red Panda before. We stopped by his cage early in the day and it was too sunny for him to come out, so we visited the rest of the zoo in hopes that the shade would come and he would come out and play. We waited. And we waited. And we waited some more. No sign of the little guy. Just when I was about to give up, out came the little guy to see what was going on. After about ten seconds, he darted back inside. He did this about five times before I was finally able to snap a photo of him that turned out. After finally seeing the Red Panda, Xander asked daddy if he could have a stuffed Red Panda to keep all his Giant Pandas company. How could I refuse the wishes of a three month old.

So, Daddy got to see a Red Panda for the first time, and Xander got a new toy. Overall, a very fun day at the zoo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

u got a fun day! oh I love pandas!
and I bought a cuddly panda bag that I can hardly put it down!
Flor (