Sunday, August 30, 2009

Miss Megan Mize comes to town

Xander has become quite the popular little man. So many people come all the way out here just to see him, and this time it was from San Francisco. Megan came in for a short little three day weekend. After a very late arrival Friday night (remember bedtime here is now around 10:00), we decided to spend Saturday in Chicago at the Shedd Aquarium. It turned out to be a lot of fun. Much to our surprise, Xander was alert most of the trip, and watched the fish with wide eyes.

After the aquarium, we had to take Megan to an old Orlando favorite here in Chicago. We went to the Ale House for dinner. Back when we lived in Orlando, dinners at the Ale House were commonplace, so it was only fitting that we go. On Sunday, we were taking Megan to the biggest best place Chicago had to offer: Wrigley Field for a Cubs game. We took the train and bus down, and got there in time for the national anthem and about to watch some baseball. Then, the tarp came out and we were under a rain delay. After spending two hours waiting, watching the planes from the aiar and water show go by, we left assuming there would be no game. We got home, ordered some Chicago style pizza and watched some movies. Monday morning we went out for breakfast and said goodbye to Megan.

We had a great weekend, and Xander loved his new friend. We look forward to seeing you again sometime soon, Megan.

Remember everyone, if you want to be featured in your very own blog, its easy. Come to visit Xander.

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