Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, the showers have come and gone. I've just got one word .... WOW. People sure are generous when it comes to new babies. Thank you one and all to those who attended, we love everything and believe you me, it will all go to good use.

For the first shower, Stacy's mom hosted at her home in Elgin. Stacy's sister, Lexi, flew in from sunny California for the festivities and everyone had a wonderful time. This shower featured lots of homemade gifts in addition to everything else.

Shower number two was held at Stacy's school. All the teachers threw a "Baby 'round the Clock" themed shower where gifts were given based on what baby would need at certain times of the day. It was very creative, and quite fun.

The last shower was thrown by Aunt Mary and Kathy and hosted by my mother, Sally's, home in Palatine. Alyssa drove in for the weekend from Ohio for this one. It was a smaller, intimate, shower, but everyone was very generous as well.

We can't express our thanks enough to everyone for their generousity. For more pictures, please follow the link for more photos on the right and enjoy!

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