Monday, May 11, 2009

Auntie 'Lyssa Comes to Town

Okay, so she's not Auntie 'Lyssa yet, but Alyssa drove up for Stacy's shower and a visit last weekend. She arrived Friday night and we started things off with a bang at the Ale House. You could see her light up when she realized that it was EXACTLY like the Ale House in Orlando we all knew and loved.

The next morning was Stacy's shower and we followed that up with some delicious Malnati's pizza, a must on every visit to Chicago. Saturday night, we chilled at home after a busy day.

On Sunday morning, Alyssa and I headed out to the Museum of Science and Industry for Harry Potter: The Exhibition. It showcased many of the props, costumes, and sets of the movie series. Photography and videotaping were STRICTLY prohibited, but thanks to the iPhone, I was able to sneak a few pics to share.

On Monday, we hit up two more Chicago musts...Portillo's and the Cubs. Alyssa had her first Chicago Italtian Beef sandwich and when Stacy got home from school, we headed to Wrigleyville to enjoy a Chicago Cubs victory.

We had an awesome weekend with Alyssa, and can't wait for her to come again once the baby arrives. Oh, and once again, the pictures can be seen by following the link to the right of the page.

Feeling left out? Want to have a blog entry all about you? Its easy, come visit us once the baby comes and you too can be featured!

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