Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Lewis "Family Truckster"

Alright, so its more of a crossover than a truck, but I thought the quote still applied.

Stacy and I finished birthing class a few weeks back, and on the last night the nurse installs your carseat for you to make sure it is up to standards. Upon installtion of ours Stacy and I came to a realization we were not prepared for: the car seat didn't fit comfortably in our cars. Now, were one or both of us normal sized people, we would have been okay. But since I am 6'1 and Stacy is 5'9, with a carseat in the back, there was no legroom left in the front seat for a passenger. So, off to carmax we went.

We took the car seat with us and tried it in almost ten different cars and had Stacy sit in the front seat and see how much room she had. After car after car, we finally settled on the Chrysler Pacifica. It had everything we needed. A huge backseat. Pleanty of legroom in the front. And a large enough trunk/back area that we can still take the dog along when needed.

So there it is. We upgraded to a family car. Its actually quite nice, and doesn't make either of us feel like we are driving a mini-van or a station wagon. Its our new crossoever.


Brad said...

She's a beaut. Sure do love them whitewalls.
And what's wrong with the minivan? They're very chic these days.

Patrick Lewis said...

Nothing wrong with the mini van, we just aren't mini van folk.

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