Saturday, May 23, 2009

Get this kid out of me!

We are not quite there yet, but I can just imagine Stacy shouting this in the days to come.

After yet another doctor's visit today, Stacy is still pregnant. We had hoped that the doctor might have induced her today (mostly because the last ultrasound told us there is a 9 1/2 pound child growing inside her), but there was not enough cause. Apparently you can't induce until 39 weeks, and we are only at 37.5 Either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (damn you Memorial Day weekend!) we will be going to the hospital for an amniocentesis. They will be checking to see whether or not his lungs are devloped enough for birth. If so, Stacy will be induced that day and we will hopefully have our baby boy soon.

I will keep you updated.

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