Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dad and his stroller

The due date is rapidly approaching. June 11th (if we make it that far) is right around the corner. What does that mean for us as future parents? Get everything done! Today's projects? Car seats and strollers.

Stacy and I have one of those handy contraptions where the carseat has a base in each car that the carrier snaps into and a stroller to fit as well (thanks Gramma Sally and Aunt Mary). So, if need be, we never have to even take the kid out of the carrier. He just moves from the house to the car to the stroller. I installed the base in the new car and then tackled the task of putting the stroller together. Thankfully, this wasn't as difficult a task as I had feared. The hardest part was those stupid little clips that hold the wheels in place. I hate those clips. While it was an easy task, at least its one less thing that needs to be done.

Wow. How scary is it that the time is coming so soon. I'm about to be a dad. Wow.

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