Friday, May 29, 2009

Alexander Gregory Lewis

On Thursday, May 28 2009 at 6:13 pm Alexander "Xander" Gregory arrived at 8 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches long. The whole family is doing great, and we hope to bring the little guy home on Friday night.
Please follow the link on the right to see more photos, and come back often as Stacy and I attmept to raise our new little boy.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Get this kid out of me!

We are not quite there yet, but I can just imagine Stacy shouting this in the days to come.

After yet another doctor's visit today, Stacy is still pregnant. We had hoped that the doctor might have induced her today (mostly because the last ultrasound told us there is a 9 1/2 pound child growing inside her), but there was not enough cause. Apparently you can't induce until 39 weeks, and we are only at 37.5 Either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (damn you Memorial Day weekend!) we will be going to the hospital for an amniocentesis. They will be checking to see whether or not his lungs are devloped enough for birth. If so, Stacy will be induced that day and we will hopefully have our baby boy soon.

I will keep you updated.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stacy Stays Put!

Just for anyone who has not heard the news .... After months of ridiculous RIFing, shuffling of teachers, and no information given to the teachers, not only does Stacy have a job next year, she gets to return to the same position she held this year! Needless to say, we are both thrilled!

Dad and his stroller

The due date is rapidly approaching. June 11th (if we make it that far) is right around the corner. What does that mean for us as future parents? Get everything done! Today's projects? Car seats and strollers.

Stacy and I have one of those handy contraptions where the carseat has a base in each car that the carrier snaps into and a stroller to fit as well (thanks Gramma Sally and Aunt Mary). So, if need be, we never have to even take the kid out of the carrier. He just moves from the house to the car to the stroller. I installed the base in the new car and then tackled the task of putting the stroller together. Thankfully, this wasn't as difficult a task as I had feared. The hardest part was those stupid little clips that hold the wheels in place. I hate those clips. While it was an easy task, at least its one less thing that needs to be done.

Wow. How scary is it that the time is coming so soon. I'm about to be a dad. Wow.

The Lewis "Family Truckster"

Alright, so its more of a crossover than a truck, but I thought the quote still applied.

Stacy and I finished birthing class a few weeks back, and on the last night the nurse installs your carseat for you to make sure it is up to standards. Upon installtion of ours Stacy and I came to a realization we were not prepared for: the car seat didn't fit comfortably in our cars. Now, were one or both of us normal sized people, we would have been okay. But since I am 6'1 and Stacy is 5'9, with a carseat in the back, there was no legroom left in the front seat for a passenger. So, off to carmax we went.

We took the car seat with us and tried it in almost ten different cars and had Stacy sit in the front seat and see how much room she had. After car after car, we finally settled on the Chrysler Pacifica. It had everything we needed. A huge backseat. Pleanty of legroom in the front. And a large enough trunk/back area that we can still take the dog along when needed.

So there it is. We upgraded to a family car. Its actually quite nice, and doesn't make either of us feel like we are driving a mini-van or a station wagon. Its our new crossoever.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Auntie 'Lyssa Comes to Town

Okay, so she's not Auntie 'Lyssa yet, but Alyssa drove up for Stacy's shower and a visit last weekend. She arrived Friday night and we started things off with a bang at the Ale House. You could see her light up when she realized that it was EXACTLY like the Ale House in Orlando we all knew and loved.

The next morning was Stacy's shower and we followed that up with some delicious Malnati's pizza, a must on every visit to Chicago. Saturday night, we chilled at home after a busy day.

On Sunday morning, Alyssa and I headed out to the Museum of Science and Industry for Harry Potter: The Exhibition. It showcased many of the props, costumes, and sets of the movie series. Photography and videotaping were STRICTLY prohibited, but thanks to the iPhone, I was able to sneak a few pics to share.

On Monday, we hit up two more Chicago musts...Portillo's and the Cubs. Alyssa had her first Chicago Italtian Beef sandwich and when Stacy got home from school, we headed to Wrigleyville to enjoy a Chicago Cubs victory.

We had an awesome weekend with Alyssa, and can't wait for her to come again once the baby arrives. Oh, and once again, the pictures can be seen by following the link to the right of the page.

Feeling left out? Want to have a blog entry all about you? Its easy, come visit us once the baby comes and you too can be featured!


Well, the showers have come and gone. I've just got one word .... WOW. People sure are generous when it comes to new babies. Thank you one and all to those who attended, we love everything and believe you me, it will all go to good use.

For the first shower, Stacy's mom hosted at her home in Elgin. Stacy's sister, Lexi, flew in from sunny California for the festivities and everyone had a wonderful time. This shower featured lots of homemade gifts in addition to everything else.

Shower number two was held at Stacy's school. All the teachers threw a "Baby 'round the Clock" themed shower where gifts were given based on what baby would need at certain times of the day. It was very creative, and quite fun.

The last shower was thrown by Aunt Mary and Kathy and hosted by my mother, Sally's, home in Palatine. Alyssa drove in for the weekend from Ohio for this one. It was a smaller, intimate, shower, but everyone was very generous as well.

We can't express our thanks enough to everyone for their generousity. For more pictures, please follow the link for more photos on the right and enjoy!

Nursery Project: Update

We just thought you would like to see an update of the nursery. Just a few additions, but it makes it look close to finished.