Friday, July 31, 2009

VACATION! Pic of the day ... July 31, 2009

While on vacation up at the lake this week, I am going to try to post a pic of the day. Hope you all enjoy! (BTW, please note the ridiculously cute sandals)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Xander ... Two Months Old

Xander had his two month doctor's visit today. He weights 12 pounds 14 ounces, and is 23 inches long. He had his two month shots, and cried his poor little eyes out. Lucky for Xander, he gets a week long vacation up at the lake starting tomorrow to recover.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 26, 2009

May The Force be with you!

As always, all the new pictures can be found via the link to the right.

Alexander Gregory ... baptized July 25, 2009

On Saturday, Xander was baptized at All Saints Lutheran Church in Palatine. His Godparents are my brother Bryan, and our close family friend Vanessa. Xander was a sport throughout the whole ceremony, not making a peep during the service (which is more than I can say for some of the guests). When it came time to get dunked, he was quite the trooper, not crying once.

After the ceremony, the family headed back to Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' place for food, family, and fun. Thanks to all who could join us, and for those who couldn't, we hope to see you at the next festivity!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 19, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 16, 2009 (a little late)

Xander is ready for the second half of the season with high hopes of some better baseball! Go Cubs go!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pic of the week ... July 6, 2009

The Best Boat Ride In 30 Years

Late Sunday afternoon, the boat battery was finally charged up enough to use (yes, we had to plug the battery into the wall because it was dead all weekend). Around 4 pm or so, while Stacy was napping, we went for a little cruise. Little did we know this would be a boat ride unlike any ride we've ever taken. It started off with us going under the bridge near the Thirsty Whale and seeing a bunch of idiots hanging off the side of the bridge. We thought nothing of it, until as we pulled away we looked back and saw several people jump from the bridge into the lake below. My parents said that in thirty years going up to that lake, they'd never seen anyone jump in from a bridge.

As cool as that was to see, it fails in comparison to what we saw next. You have to watch the video to understand.

Over all the years we've gone up to the lake, we've seen thousands of deer, but NEVER have we seen one in the lake, let alone doing what can only be described as frolicking along the shore. It was amazing to see.

Xander's First Lake Trip

This holiday weekend, Xander went on his first trip to Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' lake house in Minocqua, and let me tell you he loved every second of it. Alright, so he slept through most of it, but he didn't hate it! He got to put on his awesome life jacket and ride on the boat. He got to sleep outdoors in his lake pack and play. And he got to keep his Mommy and Daddy up with his poor sleeping habits that seem to come out only up north. All and all though, we had a great weekend and look forward to going back at the end of the month.

Follow the link on the right to our online photos, and check out the July photos for some of the most adorable photos you will ever see (until next time I post photos, that is).

Happy 4th of July!

The Gruetzmachers Come To Visit

Last week, Brad, Kara, and Kasia came back to Chicago for a summer visit and a chance to see first hand, just how adorable Xander is. Yes, that was the only reason for their visit. Just trust me. From what i was told, Kasia was incredibly excited to meet Baby Xander. Brad told me that Kasia loves babies, and spent a lot of time leading up to their visit saying how she was going to see Baby Xander. When they first arrived, Kasia was a little shy towards Stacy and I, but not to Baby Xander. She went right for him.

After looking at her mom and dad hold him, Kasia wanted her turn. So Kara took her to the couch and supervised as Kasia held Xander on her lap. Let me tell you this ... there is nothing cuter than a three and a half year old girl holding on to a month old baby boy. Especially when that boy is my little man. Kasia was blind to the world while holding my son. She even played with him by holding the Tigger rattle / blanket she picked out for him. It was so cute.

That was the last we saw of Kasia for the week. The rest of the time, she wanted nothing more than to be with her grandma and grandpa. She even told her parents to leave on more than one occasion. But that was nice, because we got to spend some time with Brad and Kara. We had a great time visiting, lunching at the Ale House, and playing card games. Games where Brad absolutely did NOT skip his wife once, no matter how often she skipped him (sorry Kara).

If only Brad and Kara lived a little closer to us up here, we could see them more than once every year and a half.

Remember, if you want a post all about you, its easy ... just come and visit us!

さようなら (Sayonara) Captains Gerbracht

Let me start by saying I hope that was right, because I just copied and pasted from wikipedia.

Well, Stacy's sister and brother-in-law, Lexi and Rob, are leaving for Japan for two years and Stacy, Xander, and I wanted to say good-bye and good luck.

Just before leaving the country, Lexi and Rob drove in to town for a week long visit, to say good-bye, and of course meet their brand spanking new nephew. We had a great visit. Eating. Watching Rob set off fireworks in the in-laws backyard. Eating (we ate a lot at the Vogel's).

Now they are off to graduate school in Japan for the Marines. Good luck you two, and hopefully we can meet you somewhere in between for a visit while you are out there!