Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Xander...5 Days Old UPDATED 6/5

UPDATE: Xander's jaundice level has dropped to 12 and he has been removed from the Billy Blanket. He weighs just over 8 pounds. We go back to the doctor on Monday and will see if the levels continue to drop.

Today is day five with little Xander, and I thought I'd give you all the update. As of this morning, Xander weighs 8 pounds. He also has a mild case of jaundice. At his pediatrician visit yesterday, they drew some blood to see how severe a case it was. (Xander and Mommy both cried as they poked his little heel) At about 6:00 PM, the doctor called and said his level was at 18.6 and we needed to do some home treatment beyond just putting him in the sun. At about 8:30, a home health care delivery man arrived with what is called a Billy Blanket for our little man. Basically, it simulates UV rays for Xanders skin.

We need to keep the pad on his skin as long as possible until Wednesday night. Unlike the lights at the hospital, we are able to swaddle him with this against his skin. After twelve hours or so, the level has decreased to 17.1 this morning, so it is working. He goes back to Doctor Patrick on Thursday morning to see if further treatment is needed. For the most part, it has been okay. He isn't bothered at all by the device, and has actually slept better the past twenty-four hours. Come back Thursday evening for the doctor's results.

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