Sunday, June 7, 2009

Caption This

In addition to our "Pic of the week", I decided to run a photo caption game as well. Its easy, at the end of the post, click on where it says "x comments" and tpye your comment/caption in the box on the right. If you don't have a google ID, you can click on "name/url" and type in your name in the box where it states. If people have fun with this, there will be more Caption This games in the future.

And now, today's Caption This pic....


Auntie M said...

Grandpa believes in leading by example.

Mike said...

Horsey ride's inevitable conclusion

SAK said...

Starting out in life my phlisophy will be "climb every mountain"

SAK said...

Then I will learn how to spell philosophy later on!

Anonymous said...

Stacy & Sally's Moment of Peace ;-)