Friday, January 23, 2009

And the verdict is in...

Well, we finally made it to the twenty week mark! Half way through the pregnancy, and everything is great! Stacy is looking nice and prego now, as shown in this photo. We've started picking themes and colors for the baby room. We've also begun looking at cribs, strollers, and car seats. For this point of the pregnancy, I think we are right where we want to be and know everything we need to know.

Oh, I almost forgot. There is one more thing you get to do at the twenty week mark: another ultrasound. This time, our little baby was not being cooperative at all. After a lot of searching, our technician was able to tell us....

We are having a boy!!

We are very excited, not only that we are going to have a baby boy, but also because I have once and for all proven Brad's "Fremd High School Theory" is complete BS!

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more pictures of Stacy as the baby and the belly grow. There will also be a series of posts as we ready the nursery. We hope you come back to see it all as we get closer and closer to June 11th!


Sara M said...

Well I won't make any remarks that if you're having a boy you're booted out of the Fremd Circle of Friends because who knows - we might end up having boys too. Instead I will say that I am not only SO happy for you both, but thrilled that you are also the kind of people who need to know!! Now comes the fun of picking out names. Do you have any in mind? And do I get to hold the baby first for being the first to check your blog and leave a comment? ;)

Patrick Lewis said...

Maybe if I thought we'd see you between now and then....but your records are not in your favor in that department. :)

Sarah E Ziegler said...

How wonderful!

Gruetzmachers said...

I'm confused here. When last we talked, you told me that the baby was not being cooperative and they couldn't tell you what you were having. So now you know for a fact, 100%, that you're having a boy? What happened since last we talked??

Gruetzmachers said...

And again, it wasn't a theory so much as a fact. Sarah F. Girl. Sarah W. three girls, debbie, girl, Melissa two girls, me a girl. Who had the boy that I'm missing? So again, I don't know why you keep calling it a theory.