Saturday, January 31, 2009

Man at work

One of the things you get to look forward to, being a new parent, is planning the nursery: colors, themes, etc. Stacy and I are very excited to get started on our little boy's room. However, there are some things that must get done first.

We discovered after a large rain last year that we were getting water in the basement. After a big melt this winter, more water came in, so we knew there was a problem. Permaseal came out and discovered that there was a crack in our foundation that needed to be filled. Problem was, they were not allowed to get at the crack. Solution? I got to tear out the wall! My father-in-law came over and taught me to remove dry wall. Next thing you know, I have a hole in my basement that I tore out all by myself. The crack has been filled, and now I get to re-drywall the hole and refinish the area. Theres nothing like tearing out and putting in drywall to make you feel like a man. After this, the baby room will be no problem at all!

Friday, January 23, 2009

And the verdict is in...

Well, we finally made it to the twenty week mark! Half way through the pregnancy, and everything is great! Stacy is looking nice and prego now, as shown in this photo. We've started picking themes and colors for the baby room. We've also begun looking at cribs, strollers, and car seats. For this point of the pregnancy, I think we are right where we want to be and know everything we need to know.

Oh, I almost forgot. There is one more thing you get to do at the twenty week mark: another ultrasound. This time, our little baby was not being cooperative at all. After a lot of searching, our technician was able to tell us....

We are having a boy!!

We are very excited, not only that we are going to have a baby boy, but also because I have once and for all proven Brad's "Fremd High School Theory" is complete BS!

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more pictures of Stacy as the baby and the belly grow. There will also be a series of posts as we ready the nursery. We hope you come back to see it all as we get closer and closer to June 11th!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've heard of snow days, but how about cold days?

Last night, the temperature overnight dropped below zero. Not uncommon for this time of year. What is not common, however, is that the temperature will not go back above zero degrees again for sixty hours or so. Right now, for example, it is thirteen degrees below zero, with a wind chill of minus thirty one. MINUS THIRTY ONE! That is cold. I can take cold. But apparently, the teachers and kids can't. Did you know there is a state law that if the wind chill is minus thirty, they have to close the schools? Stacy got the call this morning at 4:45 am that she didn't have to go in today, and another at 6:30 this evening that she didn't have to go in tomorrow either. What are all these kids going to do without these two days of education? Trust me, from personal experience, that nothing constructive can come from two days of no school due to extrem cold. In fact, they will be so bored that they might end up doing something that may come back to haunt them in their adult lives. Perhaps, a group of friends will gather in one of their parents' basement and grab their Dad's video camera and reenact Star Wars with a combination of action figures and bad costumes. You can imagine how embarassing that will be when it comes up later in life. Believe me, no one wants that. I say, get those kids back in school before they do themselves any more emotional damage. This all, of course, is purely hypohetical. Stay warm, everybody.

A thrill only parents-to-be can understand

We went shopping the other day, and found ourselves at Babies R Us to begin the process of picking out furniture for the baby room. When pulling in, we found the wonderful "Expectant Mothers" parking spot waiting for us. It gave Stacy quite a little thrill during our otherwise mundane shopping day. Now, if only we could find these signs everywhere we went, it would be "Rockstar" parking all the time!