Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nursery Project: Day 1

This morning, we got out of bed and began the nursery. On today's slate: paint the upper section of the room. First things first, we had to measure out where the chair rail will go. So i busted out my handy laser level, and marked the walls where the divide would be. After that, we had the very unpleasant task of taping all the woodwork, windows, and the chair rail line. After an hour plus of that, we got to the fun part. Stacy and I each had our jobs, and after another hour or so we had coat one of the upper section done. Tomorrow, after more painting, will be the bottom section and we will have a better idea of how the colors will look. After that, Grandpa Vogel will come and we will install the chair rail. Then, the decorating will begin.

Check back all week for continued updates on our progress.

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