Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Soon, all your questions will be answered

Stacy went to the doctor yesterday. He told her everything looked fine, and that things were moving along quite nicely. As she does at every four week visit, Stacy got to hear Baby Lewis's heartbeat again. This time, however, the doctor shared some information with her. He prefaced this with "its an old wives tale," but at this stage in the pregnancy, if the the baby has a faster heart beat it points towards it being a girl. If it has a slower heartbeat, a boy. Faster or slower than what, I don't know. But our baby had a slower heart beat, which prompted the doctor to predict a boy.

We've had contradictory predictions recently, though. At the Ritz Carlton, we had our picture taken before dinner, and the photographer there immediately said "its a girl." Personally, I have had many dreams about the big day, and its been an even split of boy babies and girl babies. Personally, we don't care either way as long as he/she is healthy and has ten fingers, ten toes, etc. But it is nice to know that the waiting to find out is almost at an end.

On Friday, January 23rd, 2009 we go in for our twenty week ultrasound, and provided the baby doesn't have its legs crossed or anything, we will know. Stay tuned for the big announcement!

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