Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Soon, all your questions will be answered

Stacy went to the doctor yesterday. He told her everything looked fine, and that things were moving along quite nicely. As she does at every four week visit, Stacy got to hear Baby Lewis's heartbeat again. This time, however, the doctor shared some information with her. He prefaced this with "its an old wives tale," but at this stage in the pregnancy, if the the baby has a faster heart beat it points towards it being a girl. If it has a slower heartbeat, a boy. Faster or slower than what, I don't know. But our baby had a slower heart beat, which prompted the doctor to predict a boy.

We've had contradictory predictions recently, though. At the Ritz Carlton, we had our picture taken before dinner, and the photographer there immediately said "its a girl." Personally, I have had many dreams about the big day, and its been an even split of boy babies and girl babies. Personally, we don't care either way as long as he/she is healthy and has ten fingers, ten toes, etc. But it is nice to know that the waiting to find out is almost at an end.

On Friday, January 23rd, 2009 we go in for our twenty week ultrasound, and provided the baby doesn't have its legs crossed or anything, we will know. Stay tuned for the big announcement!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fun from Fort Myers

Who would have known I would find something to blog about at Aunt Bette's condo on Fort Myers Beach. In looking to see where we might find a Karaoke bar on the beach (my family loves a good night of karaoke), we picked up the local beach paper, The Island Sand Paper. Looking though it to find the entertainment guide, we stumbled upon the back page.

The back page girl. If you read the description, it introduces you to this weeks back page girl and tells you a little bit about her. For example, this weeks girl's name is Stefanie. She is a student, and she works a the Channel Mark......wait a minute. It tells you where she works? This is unreal. They put up a picture of a beautiful girl in a bikini for all to see, and then tells you where to find her? Its like a guide for stalkers on the beach! Where were all these articles when we used to visit Grandma and Aunt B all those years we were single? "Here you go Patrick, here's the exact place to find this gorgeous girl. Have fun." It would have made those Spring Break trips to Fort Myers much more enjoyable.

As if that wasn't enough, if you pick up the other local beach paper, The Beach Bulletin, you can turn to the back page and once again see a beautiful girl and find out where she works. However, they don't call it the Back Page Girl....

Show us your tats. SHOW US YOUR TATS! They really put up a picture of a beautiful girl in a bikini, and label it Show Us Your Tats. Am I the only one who finds this intriguing? There is just something very wrong (and perhaps very right) about this.

To the youth of America looking for a place to find a beautiful girl for Spring Break 2010, might I recommend Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Just pick up the local paper, and you have your girls.

Christmas in Fort Myers Beach

Let me start by saying for all of you who enjoyed your Christmas in the snow and cold...SUCKERS!

We spent our holiday at the beach in the 80 degree weather. Every morning, we woke up to look out over the ocean. Every afternoon, we sat out by the pool. And every evening, we slept with the sliding doors open. It wasn't too bad for Patrick and Stacy.

Let me tell you a little bit about Aunt Bette's condo. Its called the Coquina, however due to its location, it has been renamed the Co-gina. Its down the beach from the Master Bait and Tackle, down the road from the Publix, and across the street from the Munch Box. We had three condos to stay in, and it was a blast. Walks on the beach, lounges at the pool, and games at night. It was quite the enjoyable Christmas.

However, it wasn't the perfect Christmas. Keep in mind, I wasn't able to get a photo of the following in fear for my life, but try to imagine. My dad had picked up a bottle of wine from Costco, and when Robbie went to open it, the cork crumbled in the bottle. My dad tried to fix the situation. We handed him a knife and went back to preparing dinner. Next thing we heard was my dad screaming for help. We turned around to see his eyes closed, and red wine all over his face, shirt, the walls, and the ceiling. In trying to fix the cork, he managed to splash the wine out of the bottle and all over. We all thought Christmas was ruined for sure. Needless to say, my parents owe Aunt Bette and new coat of paint in the condo.

For Christmas dinner, we all headed out to Naples for a dinner buffet the likes of which you have never seen. The Ritz Carlton, Naples, puts on a dinner with more delicious food than you can imagine. There was a bread and spread bar, a seafood bar, soups and salads. There were side dishes of mashed potatoes, wild rice, califlower. And for main courses, prime rib of beef, turkey and sage stuffing. Then the desserts. Oh God, the desserts. I cant even begin to describe the desserts, and the pictures do not do it justice. There were puddings, creme brule, cookies, key lime pie, and ice cream stations that served made-to-order bananas foster and a molten chocolate cake. Out of this world.

The rest of the trip was enjoyable. We spent a few hours at the outlet malls, and a few hours shopping in Naples. The only downfall was the travel situation. Due to the weather in Chicago, we didn't arrive home unil 4 am. Other than that, Stacy and I had a very merry Christmas at the beach.

We hope you enjoyed your Christmas just as much, and that you have a very happy new year!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas From Our Family

Stacy, Wrigley, and myself would like to wish all our friends and family a Merry Christmas. This will be the last Christmas without a little one running around for us, and the last one where the presents are focused on us as well. Next year, we will have a 6 month old to spoil.

This Christmas Stacy and I are joining the Lewis clan in sunny Fort Meyers Beach, FL. This is something new for Stacy to experience. The Lewis family has been going to Florida off and on for years now. While it may take Stacy some time to adjust, I know she will have a great Christmas with us there. This experience is a must if she is to truly enjoy a Lewis Christmas.

To the rest of our friends and family, we hope you enjoy your holiday wherever you may be. 2009 will bring more updates as the due date grows closer. By the end of January we should know the sex of our little one, and the updates will become more frequent. Until then, Merry Christmas once again from the Lewis Family!