Monday, November 10, 2008

June 11, 2009

That is what we were told today. That is what we calculated on our own from the beginning. What we don't understand is, if we are only 9 weeks along, then why did we hear the heartbeat on Monday? From everything we have been told, you can't hear the heartbeat until around 12 weeks. So either we didn't really hear the heartbeat, or something has been calculated wrong. After hearing the heartbeat, the doctor told us to get the early untrasound to get a size calculation. So we did. When Stacy called today, the nurse who answered the phone said the results were in and we are due June 11th. Now, maybe she didn't really look at the results. Maybe the results hadn't even made it in yet. Maybe she just saw June 11th on the chart from before. Maybe the baby really is due June 11th, and just has a really strong heartbeat. I can't say for sure. We have our next appointment on December 1st, and will speak to the doctor then. For now, mark your calendars. June 11, 2009. We can't wait!

1 comment:

Brad said...

Maybe it wasn't the heartbeat. Maybe Stacy just had gas.