Monday, November 10, 2008

June 11, 2009

That is what we were told today. That is what we calculated on our own from the beginning. What we don't understand is, if we are only 9 weeks along, then why did we hear the heartbeat on Monday? From everything we have been told, you can't hear the heartbeat until around 12 weeks. So either we didn't really hear the heartbeat, or something has been calculated wrong. After hearing the heartbeat, the doctor told us to get the early untrasound to get a size calculation. So we did. When Stacy called today, the nurse who answered the phone said the results were in and we are due June 11th. Now, maybe she didn't really look at the results. Maybe the results hadn't even made it in yet. Maybe she just saw June 11th on the chart from before. Maybe the baby really is due June 11th, and just has a really strong heartbeat. I can't say for sure. We have our next appointment on December 1st, and will speak to the doctor then. For now, mark your calendars. June 11, 2009. We can't wait!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yes We Can!

A popular sentiment these days, granted, but I am not referring to our President-elect in any way. This exclamtion of joy is referring to that question that was on everyones mind these past few months...."Can Patrick and Stacy conceive a child?"


About 5 weeks ago, Stacy found she was feeling a little under the weather and thought to herself, "could we?" So off she rushed to the bathroom, and sure enough...Yes we can! Needing to tell someone right away, and me not being home, Stacy confided in Wrigley, who was very excited to hear she would become a big sister. Either that, or she thought she was getting a treat. We can't be too sure. Stacy decided to come to work and tell me the great news. She rushed off to the mall, and stopped by the Sports Fanatic to make a quick purchase. When she arrived at my office, she handed me the present she had just purchased. A Chicaog Cubs onesie. "Why did you buy this," I asked thinking we had agreed on no baby clothes until we were sure we were pregnant no matter how cute or cheap they may be. Stacy just looked at me. "Why do you think," she exclaimed. My eyes lit up and I asked, "Could we be?"


I know the next question everyone wants to know is, when is the big day. Well, we still don't know. The wonderful insurance from school district U-46 won't let our doctor do the ultrasound, so we had to swing by the hospital today to get that taken care of so they can estimate the date by the size of the baby. But wouldn't you know it, the hospital has to send the info to the doctor in 2-3 business days, so we wont know until Wednesday or so. But please check back for the updated info then.

After that, the big question will be, boy or girl. About 20 weeks is when we can say for sure. Let me preface by saying, either way this child will be the most loved child in the world. I am feeling girl. Sally is PRAYING for a girl. Brad is convinced girl, after his half-assed Fremd High School theory. Can I do it? Can the first of a three boy family actually produce the daughter my mother has always wanted?

YES WE.....hope.

See the first picture of Baby Lewis below and draw your own conclusions.