Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pic of the week ... March 25, 2010 Xander Goes For A Swim

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Almost There

Xander will be walking on his own sooner rather than later.

Why, Xander, Why?

Oh Xander, you break my heart.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Xander Meets the Easter Bunny

This afternoon, we took Xander to meet the Easter Bunny for the first time. We were so proud. No anxiety, no fussing, and no crying. Just one happy boy who was all smiles and curiosity. We decided to go to Woodfield, because the bunny at our mall is a little creepy. We liked the bunny at Woodfield, but was told upon arrival we weren't allowed to use our own cameras at all, whether we were buying their picture or not. I was a little miffed that I wasn't able to get a video of Xander's first Easter Bunny visit, but the cutest picture ever makes up for it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pic of the week ... March 17, 2010


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

King of the Swings

Xander took his first trip to the park today. The swings were the only thing we could play on due to an uncontrollable dog, but he had a blast anyways.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Xander Has a Play Date

Today, Xander had a little play date with the Manker clan, or as they call themselves, the Red Headed Mafia. Xander gets so few opportunities to socialize with other kids, so we weren't quite sure what to expect, especially since now that he is mobile and wants to grab everything, but he was quite good with the kids, and they were very good with him. Overall, I think Xander really enjoyed having the other kids to climb on and pull hair and share toys. It was fun for the rest of us to watch as well. There are more pictures available if you follow the link on the right.

Xander's First Haircut