Saturday, October 31, 2009

Xander's First Halloween

Halloween comes as it always does, and this year Xander really wanted to be like Daddy and go as a Star Wars character. As much as we tried to convince him that it wasn't necessary, Xander won out and he chose to be an Ewok. And what a cute Ewok he was.

It started out as a pair of reindeer pajamas, and after a little bit of witchery from Grandma Vogel and Daddy, magically became a little woodland creature from the moon of Endor.

Halloween started off a little early this year for Xander, as the local mall held Trick-or-Treating on Thursday evening. So while Stacy was at camp with her students, Xander and I got dressed up and headed to mall to show him off. I went low key, and chose to wear my new Stormtrooper hoodie, but Xander went all out. We stopped by my office and then walked around to see all the other kiddies. While there were plenty of Clone Troopers and Darth Vaders, Xander was the only Ewok out there. After a lap around the mall, we went home. Xander asked me if he could wear the costume all night but I told him we must save it for Halloween.

This afternoon, Halloween began with a trip to see Xander's friend, Ethan (Stacy's friend Kelly's son). After posing for a couple pictures as an Ewok and monkey...

...they decided to play on the floor (see previous post here). After some fun, it was time for Trick-or-Treating.

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis (clown wig and all) came over, and Mommy and Daddy (and even Wrigley) got dressed in their costumes...

...and off we all went. It was a little cold outside, but Xander's Ewok costume kept him nice and toasty, which is more than I can say for Grandpa who was a bit chilly. Xander fell asleep along the way, so we headed home, took a couple more pictures, and laid him down for a nap.

After nap time, it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Vogel's for more costume time, and dinner of course. The Vogels live off a forest preserve, so we were able to take a picture if Xander in a very Endor like setting.

Overall, Xander had a great first Halloween. He told me himself while playing on the floor afterward. He had so much fun, that he wore himself out and could barely finish his night time bottle before passing out.

Happy Halloween, everyone, and don't forget, to see all the pictures please follow the links off to the side. See you next year!

Sing us a song, you're the Piano Man...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween-Eve

As a special, pre-Halloween treat, Xander is wearing his costume pjs on this Halloween Eve. We hope you enjoy them as much as he does.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Xander is 5 Months Old ... Happy Fall

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Xander Loves His Doggie

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pic of the week ... October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pic of the week ... October 15, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Xander Goes to the Pumpkin Patch

Fall is officially upon us, and Halloween is right around the corner. What does that mean? It means it is time to take Xander to the pumpkin patch.

Growing up, around this time of year, my parents would pack the three of us into the van and we would head to Goebert's to pick out our pumpkins for the year. I have these memories of walking to the back of the farm, and there were pumpkins as far as the eye can see. And from this endless sea of pumpkins, we would each pick one out to take home and carve up. Now that I have a son of my own, I thought we would start the tradition in our little family. So, Xander got dressed up in his brand new pumpkin sweatsuit, and off we went.

We called Grandma and Grandpa Lewis, they met us, and we made our way through the farm towards the sea of pumpkins. As you can check out in the pictures, there were plenty of photo opportunities along the way, and we took advantage of them all. Xander was all smiles the whole way as Grandma, Grandpa, Mom and Dad took turns carrying him though all the fall decorations, and stopping for more pictures until finally we arrived at the pumpkin yard, and Xander decided to take a load off.

On the way out, I picked out a large pumpkin to take home for my little man, along with everything else you can think of to get at the pumpkin patch: apple cider, taffy apples, cider donuts, fresh corn on the cob, and more.

Stacy and I, and hopefully Xander, had a really fun time at Goebert's. Hopefully, this will be the start of a yearly trip, and as Xander grows, so will his enjoyment of this new tradition.