Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wedding Pictures Are Available!

For anyone who is interested, we finally have all the proofs from the wedding in our possesion. If anyone would like any pictures from the big day, email either Stacy or myself and we will email any picture back to you.


Did anyone see the espisode of Seinfeld where George pretends to be a tourist in order to meet women in the city? I think that perhaps my father was trying the same trick on our way to the Statue of Liberty. I am not sure how I feel about that.

The Lewis Boys Do New York

This past weekend, the Lewis boys visited New York City. We left O'Hare on a 7:05 am flight to begin the whirlwind two day trip. I wouldn't have thought we could squeeze so much into two days. Our hotel was at Grand Central Station, which worked out well. We were able to see Times Square, Broadway (Dad and I saw Spamalot), the Ed Sullivan Theater, China Town, Little Italy, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero, Radio City, Rockefellar Center, Central Park, and Yankee Stadium. Thats a lot for two days, and believe me we felt it. Dad even had to turn in early both days to nap, leaving us crazy kids on our own in the Big Apple. We had dinner the first night at a delicious little place in Little Italy, where we had two bottles of wine between the four of us. For lunch the next days we had a slice at two different pizza places. Joe's Pizza, recommended by Kelly Ripa (yes, of Regis and Kelly) and seen in the hit film Spiderman. We also tried Ray's. Now I know what you are asking that Famous Ray's or Original Ray's? Well, it was Famous Original Ray's. As much fun as we had, I still think that Chicago is the city of cities in this country.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Will the "Curse of the Lake" hold true?

We just returned from Minocqua, WI today. We had a short, but fun, weekend with the Lewis family and their significant others. Now, if you are reading this and are unfamiliar with what the title references, let me help. My mother is convinced that there is a curse of bringing girlfriends up to the lake, and that immediately following the lake trip, the relationship will come to an end. If not, the relationship will hold. Now, so far Stacy is the only one to survive this curse. It remains to be seen whether Britney or Christine will survive.

It was a weekend of crappy weather. It was overcast almost the whole time, with just spots of sun every now and then. However, we did upgrade the fire pit, as shown here, and the weather was quite nice if sitting by a hot fire was on your agenda. It was nice to get away, even for just a couple days. This was the first time that we were all at the lake together in some time. Next year, we will plan ahead and be sure to pick a time when the weather will cooperate a little more and we can enjoy the boat, and not bundle up before getting on.