Sunday, May 23, 2010


As our family turns a year old this week, its time for a change. We will be moving our little website to a bigger stage with more for you to see! We hope that you will continue to visit our new site and continue to watch us as we move forward in this crazy life of ours. Please visit the link below, and bookmark it to come back often. All pictures will be available on the new site. Thanks for spending our first year watching Xander grow, and we hope you enjoy the new site.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Walk This Way

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Xander ... 11 Months Old

We have only one month to go before Xander turns the big O-N-E. At 11 months, he weighs in at 22 pounds, 4 ounces; such a big boy. I wonder how big he will be in a month?

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Fun Day at the Park

Now that Spring has finally sprung, we took Xander for an afternoon outside at the park. This park had so many new toys to play with, Xander was in heaven. He even screamed when we took him off the swings. Best of all, after a tiring afternoon outside, he went down for his nap with no problems.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pic of the week ... March 25, 2010 Xander Goes For A Swim

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Almost There

Xander will be walking on his own sooner rather than later.

Why, Xander, Why?

Oh Xander, you break my heart.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Xander Meets the Easter Bunny

This afternoon, we took Xander to meet the Easter Bunny for the first time. We were so proud. No anxiety, no fussing, and no crying. Just one happy boy who was all smiles and curiosity. We decided to go to Woodfield, because the bunny at our mall is a little creepy. We liked the bunny at Woodfield, but was told upon arrival we weren't allowed to use our own cameras at all, whether we were buying their picture or not. I was a little miffed that I wasn't able to get a video of Xander's first Easter Bunny visit, but the cutest picture ever makes up for it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pic of the week ... March 17, 2010


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

King of the Swings

Xander took his first trip to the park today. The swings were the only thing we could play on due to an uncontrollable dog, but he had a blast anyways.